Wednesday, 28 February 2018


Dear Friend, 

Congratulations and welcome to a brand new month. This is the last month in this quarter and we hope the quarter will end on a positive note for you.

Many people have been unable to pursue their dreams because of "doubt" and the "fear of failure".  Hence, the first step to achieving anything significant after dreaming is to "deal with fear and getting it out of the success equation". 

Why not join us this month as we discuss the theme ''FIRE FEAR''.

Congratulations once again and Happy New Month! 


Sunday, 25 February 2018


 If you don't like the quality of the harvest obtained, pay attention to the quality of the seed sown. The harvest you are qualified for tomorrow is a function of the quality of the seeds you are sowing today. 

Paul puts it this way...

"...He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.." 2 Corinth. 9:6 KJV.

I may not be sure about the size, the quality and longevity of the future you seek in your business, career, family life, faith walk, etc. but, the quality, the size and the robustness of the initiatives you are taking today definitely gives a clue. 

God will not fill up the jars you didn't line up, No! God will not open the doors you weren't bold enough to knock on, No!
The ideas you never cared to pen down today...cannot magically evolve into books tomorrow. 

The company you didn't register today cannot become a conglomerate tomorrow. 

If you don't take the classes, you won't be certified. 

You cannot become an expert in an area of business or skill tomorrow, that you haven't consciously invested time to learn about today. 

If the guy is putting in 12 solid hours into practice and you are putting just 7 hours, I don't care who is prophesying over your life...he will beat you on the day of the race. 

Don't get it mixed up...the size of your investment today is what determines the size of your harvest tomorrow. 

If you anticipate a great harvest, put in a great seed; an average seed will only produce an average harvest. 

It also goes to say...the size of your irresponsibility today, will determine the measure of your pain tomorrow...if you doubt me, ask the "prodigal" son. 

All roads lead to a destination, all flights lead to specific location...don't wish for the destination to be different when you can actually do something about the road you are on. 

It's time to take initiative for the future you anticipate. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 18 February 2018


"And So Naomi was back, and Ruth the foreigner with her...They arrived in Bethlehem at the BEGINNING of the barley HARVEST" Ruth. 1:22 MSG Translation [emphasis are author's]

Ruth was a stranger, recently bereaved, had a logical reason to be down emotionally for a bit in this foreign land, but she understood the times and season...hence she took initiative. As a stranger she took initiative to go and become a volunteer in someone's farm...from there Boaz took note of her. 

I am a stranger, I am bereaved, I'm hurting, this line of business is strange to me, etc. As logical as they may sound, these excuses interfere with your inclination to taking initiative thereby reducing your chances to excel. 

The man Joseph had every excuse to live in bitterness and depression:

1. He was sold into slavery by his own siblings 
2. Sent to prison after being falsely accused

Yet, he never stopped taking an inmate, he sent his verbal CV to Pharaoh through Pharaoh's servants. 

Friends, be careful of pain, it has the potential of constituting a huge distraction and a blindfold, so you don't take initiative, hence you miss your opportunity. 

Be wary of "justifiable excuses" before you get excused out of your enthronement.  

Jacob was cheated by Laban, yet in the midst of the supposed maltreatment Jacob got an inspired idea on how to breed specialized cattle. 

Even in your disadvantaged position or circumstance, if you are sensitive enough to take initiative, you will emerge as an achiever. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 11 February 2018


 In those days, there was a poor economic situation in the land where Isaac lived, and just like today it was normal for him to consider greener pastures in a foreign country. But haven sought God's counsel on the issue, he was told by God to not leave the country where he was as at the time. 

What did Isaac do? He took initiative...

"...and Isaac sowed in that land, and the same year he reaped a hundred fold..." Gen. 26:12 KJV

It is very easy to see what is not working with a situation or a system, but very difficult to see the moves we are not making. 

Are you supposedly broke? What moves are you making to start being self employed in a value adding capacity? 
Is your finances in a bad shape...what moves are you making? 

If you are in a situation, don't just sit back and whine, take initiative and do something to change the status quo. 

Sometimes all we need is to simply take ownership of our situation and accept the full responsibility to make things new. 

If someone throws an opportunity at you that supposedly seems bigger than your imagination, instead of turning it down...accept it and then make moves to research on "how-to" maximise the opportunity. 

Sometimes the answer to some of the prayers we have made is simply a "move", "call" or a "handshake" away. 

Some fruits are ripe and are still hanging on the tree, if you don't take initiative to shake the branches of those trees, the ripened fruits will go bad on your watch. 

You can choose to either complain...or you choose to make moves. 

No one will take initiative on your behalf. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 4 February 2018


Show me a man who thinks ahead, I will show you a man who takes initiative. 

The human brain is the best Gift God gave to man, unfortunately it is the most underutilised organ of the human body. 

Let me say this...80% of all the challenges you have today, came as a result of your inability to engage your brain; also, 80% of all the solutions you require in any challenge you have today is resident in your brain. 

School empowers you intellectually, but true intelligence is a product of man's capacity to think. 

Anyone who thinks more than you will be your head, why? They will always have answers you seek and will always seek after them.

Do you know why Joseph was released from Prison? The effectiveness of his brain-work. 

Do you know why Pharaoh made him the Prime Minister of Egypt? The effectiveness of his brain-work. 
Guess what...? 

"...but you have the mind (mental capacity) of Christ..." 1 Corinth. 2:16 KJV [paraphrase are author's]. 

Please put that mind to use. 

Believe it or not, your true worth in the market place of life is in the quality and effectiveness of your brain-work. 

Taking initiative is you living life thoughtfully; thinking in advance and making moves accordingly.  

It's time to start thinking and making moves that makes 5 years ahead of today glorious. 

Some wait for the future, others hope in the future only very few seize the future by taking initiative today. 

Be wise.

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!