Sunday, 14 January 2018


"...The centurion answered and said "Lord I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: SPEAK THE WORD only and my servant shall be healed..." Matt. 8:8 

There is an approach everyone knows, there is a route common to all and often times the system gets jammed because everyone is trying to achieve the same result by doing the same thing. 

If you don't want to be stranded you need to "Think Differently". Being conventional is okay...but increases your chances of being stranded. 

What do you do when 1000 persons want the same thing you want at the same time you want it? 

The centurion understood the fact that many wanted to see Jesus and by the Protocol of schedule, it might take a few hours before it will get to his turn; hence he thought about the situation differently...

The woman with the issue of blood was another "astute thinker". The crowd was never going to allow her access but she reasoned a little differently   "if this guy touches people and they get healed, why not touch him or better still touch something in continuous contact with him". 

As long as they all saw Goliath as a giant...they were all afraid. David simply saw him as a "bird"...Same problem but a different analysis of it. 

Both fear and courage comes from your own perspective and analysis of the situation. 

If you stick to a conventional perspective, you will also get stuck conventionally. 

The competition is much is no excuse...those who think differently always achieve their goals irrespective of the crowd or the competition. 
It's time to develop a's time to think differently. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

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