Sunday, 26 August 2018


Before every skillful action displayed is a skillful thought processed; and a skillful thought is a product of an excellent use of the mind.

"For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a SOUND MIND..." 2 Tim. 1-7 KJV (emphasis are author's).

Your life cannot rise above the level of your thought life. If you are timid in your thoughts, you cannot be bold in your actions. 

Every great feat achieved is a product of a great thought process. Solutions to challenges don't just emerge, they are first thought about. It is therefore important that we build our minds. 

The difference in results of any two persons, is actually not in the results but the difference in the respective capacities of their minds. If we pay attention to developing our minds, we are indirectly developing our world and vice versa. 

How do you develop your mind? 

1. Commit to Thinking productively as a lifestyle. Always ask the questions that inspire the drive to improve on existing outcomes. 

2. Listen and learn from those who have better ideas on subjects you are particularly interested in. 

3. Consciously develop a network of those who are also seeking to consciously develop their minds. 

Your mind, is your resource centre, if you pay attention to develop it, your life will become resourceful. 

A man without results is simply a man who is not as resourceful as he ought to be. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 19 August 2018


"A common sense approach to your task will only fetch you common results". 

You cannot assume skill. An assumed skill will produce "assumed" results. 

Life operates on principles and sustainable results in any endeavour can only be engineered by sustainable systems. But it takes a robust management structure to develop sustainable systems. 

Nothing of value happens by chance; you cannot become an astronaut by chance. You cannot become a Medical doctor by chance. 

If it will be sustainable, then it will definitely take skill. 

Every dream is at the mercy of the skill-set of the dreamer. Before you start complaining about your prolonged dreams, can you please pay attention to your skill-set. What are you doing daily to improve on your dexterity? 

Anyone who is better than you, has something you lack. Your problem is not just lack the "know-how". 

All the time you spend praying down your supposed enemies, if you spend half of that time developing yourself, your results will reflect the quality of your time investment. 

Do you want to run a business? Go for skill. Everyone is making money there doesn't mean you will make money. What do you need to learn? What skills do you lack that you need to consciously develop?
Let me tell you something about favour/luck: It comes more to the skillful. 

Go and build yourself up! Take classes relevant to what you are doing or need to do. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 12 August 2018


Nobody was born skillful: It takes hard work to be good, and twice as much hard work to be skillful. 

Being the best in your field is not honorary; you will definitely earn it. There can never be any Messi, no William sisters, no Ralph Lauren, without a consistent, out of this world dedication continuous practice. 

You might say, it's too much headache trying to be the best, hence it's better to just be average. If this is your school of thought, it's okay. 

It's also important to note, the world is getting increasingly competitive like never before and those who can't stand the competition are forced to retire by those who are very skillful and up to fight for their spot. 

The question is...what do you want? How do you want to be remembered? 

Being the Champion yesterday doesn't mean you should go and sleep today; you might have observed, it takes work to get to the top, and continuous hard work to remain at the top. 

It's time to increase your dedication towards your craft. If you are a cake designer, a Stylist, an Accountant, etc. It's time they address you as "the Cake Designer", "the Accountant", etc. 

"...Let them LOOK for a man who is SKILLFUL in playing the Harp..." 1 Sam. 16:16

Men of skill are always sought after...stop complaining business is down. Increase your skill and watch your organisation rise to the top. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 5 August 2018


"The labour of the foolish wearieth every one of them...because He KNOWETH NOT HOW to go to the city" Eccl. 10:15 KJV [emphasis are author's].

A friend once said "Success becomes easy when YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO". 

Every difficult situation, responds to someone with the required "Know-How". A door remains closed until the person who is skillful at using the key shows up (Know-how).  

Having the key doesn't guarantee you know how-to drive the automobile. There is always a "How-to" to anything that must be done in life. 

There is a place for Prayer, there is a place for fasting but none of them can be a substitute to capacity development. 
As highly spiritual as your spiritual/religious leader, he won't dare flying an Aircraft except he is trained. You can be the best Athlete in your field of sport, but that feat doesn't automatically make you a Mathematician. 

Skill don't jump on people; you don't assume skill. I don't care who is prophesying on your life, if you don't deliberately apply yourself to a craft, you can't become skillful at it. 

Excellency of skill is a major force that brings down racial and cultural divides. Your challenge is not the colour of your skin, not your age or sex...if you have the required skill and you are delivering solutions to human needs...they will look for you. 

One of the characteristics of a broke individual is they lack the ability to do things outstandingly. 

It's time to build up capacity, enough of the whining. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Tuesday, 31 July 2018


Dear Friend, 

Congratulations and welcome to a brand new month. 

What do you settle for? A poorly made product or an excellently made product? Who do you hire to do the job? The most qualified or the most skillful? 

Why not join us this month as we consider the theme: THE POWER OF SKILL.

Where skill goes, opportunities follow. 

Congratulations once again and Happy New Month! 

Sunday, 29 July 2018


Noah built the Ark long before the world experienced its first rain drop. Joseph advised Pharaoh to start planning for an economic downturn 7 years prior to the famine. 

You have to see it long before everyone begins to have a glimpse of its reality. This dream you have, this vision, this goal, what will it look like in 10 years from now? 

You see, if the picture of your tomorrow isn't clear enough, your actions of today wouldn't be bold enough, and your guts wouldn't be daring enough.

Discouragement is a symptom of poor vision. It is only what you clearly see that keeps you going. 

Tenacity is the offspring of clarity of vision. 

When you are in for the long game...spontaneity no longer remains in your vocabulary; because you know, every action has its long term effect. 

An average Corporate professional has spent at least 16 years of continuous study before he earned that degree. 
Where do you KNOW you want to be, 20 years from now?

Whatever you will amount to, 16 years from now, begins right from this moment. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 22 July 2018


Your mission has a way of influencing the choices you make; your mission has a way of influencing the company you keep. 

Those whom you continuously spend time with, ultimately influence your thinking, when your thinking is influenced, your perspective is influenced, when your perspective is influenced, it will definitely impact (either positively or negatively)  your mission. 

If you genuinely want to lose can't possibly enjoy the company of those who don't see anything wrong in poor dietary discipline. 

If you are aspiring to own and run your business some day, your close associates need to reflect that mission. 

The easiest way to maintain focus is to surround yourself with like minded people. Positive and right association will always inspire growth. 

When you consider your current circle of associates, do they truly reflect your ultimate mission? 

Some friends are cool, but they don't necessarily inspire your continuous development. Some friends are cool but their biggest dreams don't even inspire you in any way. 

Allow your mission dictate how you allow access into your world. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 15 July 2018


When I see the size of your commitment, I will know the size of your dream. 

Some people commit to things "verbally", some people commit "less than is required" and others commit "whatever it takes". 

A big dream, will demand the same degree of commitment. If you are chasing something "phenomenal", if you are up to something "outstanding"...ensure your effort can be qualified by the same adjectives with which your goals are described. 

The problem with most people is not that they don't dream, neither is it because they aren't working...they are simply putting less than is expected. 

Just anyone can articulate an idea: talking about the house you will like to build, does not amount to laying down a brick? 

If you know what you want, and you are very sure about it...I dare you to start talking with your hands than talking with your mouth about it. You need to decide to commit maximally to its pursuit. 

If something requires 60 hours of dedicated effort weekly; 50 hours won't cut it. Yes, it looks comparable but it won't fly. 

That task was meant to last 2 weeks, if you don't give it what it might as well last for 2 months.

Has it also occurred to you that sometimes once you engage, what you thought will require 6 hours now appears to require 8 hours? Yet, you can't even put in the initially anticipated 6 hours?

It's time to wake up!

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 8 July 2018


Flights are usually defined by their destinations; in most cases destinations are referenced to a local Airport in that City. 

In the same vein, every mission has to be fully defined. If you will make the most out of any venture, there has to be a definiteness of Purpose. 

If you have goals, Projects or aspirations: It's important you start to put Dates and times to it's planning. Don't say you need money, how much exactly are you looking for?

I need to be there vague; What time do you want to be there? 7a.m. or 8a.m.

Do you want to grow your business? What is the meaning of "growth" to you within this context? Is it to double your current Clientele within 3 months? Is it to open two more shops within a six month period? 

Friends a clearly defined goal, increases your chances of hitting the mark. 

Haven't you noticed, even your residential address is fully descriptive.

How can you possibly achieve a goal when you can't even fully define what that goal is?

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 1 July 2018


A life without a sense of mission is a life that will lack direction. When you are not mission oriented, your vision will look like a fiction. 

Just before take off, every Pilot usually announces the destination of the Plane. 

In this remaining half of the year it's important we start to ask ourselves certain basic but relevant questions as it applies to whatever it is we are doing.

If you don't assign yourself a mission and commit to its pursuit...circumstances of life will dictate the direction of your life. 

Show me a man who wastes time today...I will show you a man with no fully defined destination for his tomorrow. 

You are the "Captain" are the "Pilot"...stop living like a "Passenger".

"Write the vision, make it he may run [Pursue/have a sense of mission] that reads it" Hab 2:2" KJV (emphasis are author's). 

What you don't qualify for, is what you are yet to pursue; what you are yet to committedly pursue, is what you are yet to make your mission. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Saturday, 30 June 2018


Dear Friend, 

Congratulations and welcome to a brand new month. 

You can't potentially win a medal for a race you never started; neither can you arrive at a destination for the journey you never started. 

Why not join us this month as we consider the theme: WHAT'S YOUR MISSION? 

What are you about this second half of the year? What do you want to achieve this third quarter? 

Congratulations once again and Happy New Month! 

Sunday, 24 June 2018


A life void of direction, is a life void of clarity of vision. Being clear about your intended destination is the beginning of the journey. 

You don't board a plane before deciding your destination; you decide your destination before you board the plane. 

As a Career person, where do you see yourself 15 years from now? 

As a small scale business man, where do you see yourself in 10 years? 

If you are an employee you want to remain an employee all through your active working years? Do you want to own or run a business at some point? 

Believe it or not...time is ticking. The longer you take to set your sail, the longer it takes to arrive at your desired destination. 

You can't afford to keep living for today; you can't afford to keep following what's trending. It is your definition today that makes your destination tomorrow. 

Behind every commitment is clarity of purpose; behind every discouragement is a poorly defined destination. 

How can you possibly arrive at a destination you barely even know?

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 20 May 2018


Sometimes it is very possible to not appreciate the little we have just because we don't clearly see its potential. 

The widow whose husband died leaving her heavily indebted had oil, but couldn't see clearly the usefulness of that oil not until she was advised. 

A dollar could easily be spent than saved depending on the clarity of the vision of its owner.  

David had slinging skills: he placed so much value on those skills that he literally stuck to it on the biggest battle of his life. 

Do not neglect what you have, just because it appears to be small or insignificant today. Be visionary in your analysis of what you call "little". 
It was probably not surprising to Potiphar how years later Joseph became the one whom he will depend on for Food: How do you see your domestic staff? How do you treat them? Do you know one of your employees today could be the same person buying off your entire company and its assets tomorrow? 

Are you usually only nice to your bosses at work and treat the janitors like they don't exist? 

Does it sometimes strike you that, the universe and its unfathomable resources was created just by a spoken word? And you tell me "words" don't mean anything or "words" are just syllables with which we communicate? 

It was the information released by a little maid that helped saved an Army General, Naaman the leper. 

It was a little boy's lunch that was used to feed 5000 men plus women and Children. Just imagine if the Ushers or Protocol guys didn't allow the lad into that arena where Jesus was?

What are you doing with your supposed tiny seed? 

How clearly can you see its potential? 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 13 May 2018


"...Calling those things that be not as though they are..." Rom. 4:17

Clarity of vision is powerful; it affects every thing about the individual...but most importantly it affects one's communication and one's attitude in the pursuit of that vision. 

We have often been told "you shall have what you say" however, everyone's speech is directly proportional to the clarity of vision they see. Hence, you shall have what you clearly see. 

If your vision is messed up, your communication will be messed up. If what you see is blurry, your communication will show it. 

Joseph saw himself out of the prison, long before he met Pharaoh's former staff; that vision was so clear that, when he had the slightest of opportunities to discuss it...He communicated in very clear terms. 

We will always attract opportunities that are equivalent to the images we clearly see about ourselves. 

One of the biggest challenges man has, is to not make his current condition, the basis for his vision.

This is a difficult task because it means you will totally create images that are contrary to your present circumstance; and after creating them, you habitually focus on these new images about yourself and then walk in its consciousness.

The truth is...Nothing changes around you until your internal vision changes. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 6 May 2018


Life is a distinction of two classes of people: those who see ONLY what's before their eyes today and those who create something to see and keep seeing that image irrespective of their current but temporary circumstance.

What you see informs the basis for all and every move you will make. 

In the midst of a mammoth crowd plunging forward to see and hear Jesus; the woman with the issue of blood saw very clearly the possibility of touching the hem of Jesus' garment. That clarity initiated her next move. 

Has it occurred to you, David did not second guess his own strategy before he confronted Goliath; everyone looked at his size and how heavily undefended he was...David saw clearly the very centre of Goliath's forehead...just before he decided this point was going to be my focus. 
The stone on any other part of Goliath's body wouldn't possibly make that much difference; only a clearly taken headshot would do.

The accuracy with which that sling shot was taken was simply because David saw the stone CLEARLY hitting the mark before he took it. 

Everyone is entitled to see any and everything but only what you clearly see becomes yours. 

What you clearly see, you will believe, what you believe, you will behave and what you behave continuously over a period of time, you will eventually become. 

Indecision is a function of poor vision; the business you refuse to undertake simply because someone else failed at it, is the same business your neighbour is raking millions from. Were you wrong about your facts? only clearly saw what was before your eyes...He created his own image and zoomed in clearly only on that. 

There is what is before you, but that doesn't stop you from creating your own scope of vision. 

What you clearly will move towards in great speed.

What do you see? How clearly can you see it?

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!