Sunday, 5 August 2018


"The labour of the foolish wearieth every one of them...because He KNOWETH NOT HOW to go to the city" Eccl. 10:15 KJV [emphasis are author's].

A friend once said "Success becomes easy when YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO". 

Every difficult situation, responds to someone with the required "Know-How". A door remains closed until the person who is skillful at using the key shows up (Know-how).  

Having the key doesn't guarantee you know how-to drive the automobile. There is always a "How-to" to anything that must be done in life. 

There is a place for Prayer, there is a place for fasting but none of them can be a substitute to capacity development. 
As highly spiritual as your spiritual/religious leader, he won't dare flying an Aircraft except he is trained. You can be the best Athlete in your field of sport, but that feat doesn't automatically make you a Mathematician. 

Skill don't jump on people; you don't assume skill. I don't care who is prophesying on your life, if you don't deliberately apply yourself to a craft, you can't become skillful at it. 

Excellency of skill is a major force that brings down racial and cultural divides. Your challenge is not the colour of your skin, not your age or sex...if you have the required skill and you are delivering solutions to human needs...they will look for you. 

One of the characteristics of a broke individual is they lack the ability to do things outstandingly. 

It's time to build up capacity, enough of the whining. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

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