Sunday, 26 February 2017


Life will always deliver to us in accordance to what we have fully developed on our inside. If you aren't attracting your desires it is not because you don't wish/desire them but it is because it is yet to be fully developed internally. 

As powerful and Omnipotent as God is...he only moves in our circumstances based on what is happening on our inside...

Apostle Paul puts it this way...

"...Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, ACCORDING TO THE POWER THAT WORKETH IN US.." Ephe. 3:20 (KJV paraphrase are author's). 

The question is how much power do you have on your inside? How absolute is your Faith? 

Stop doubting yourself...stop being timid. Because, until you are settled on your inside, you cannot attract or secure God's help. 

It's time to be very definitive about what your goals are. Be clear with an absolute degree of certainty that you are going to commit whatever it will take to make it come through. This is how you build power internally. 

Haven't you heard...?

"...For let not that man think he shall receive any thing of the Lord...a double minded man is unstable (powerless) in all his ways..." James 1:7-8

Doubtful thought patterns short circuits your internal power generation and as such disconnects you from the power that is meant to supply your every need. 

An orderly thought pattern is what precedes an orderly lifestyle. 

Be your best by being powerful on your inside. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 19 February 2017


Something significant happened to Israel on their way to Canaan. As they began their Exodus from Egypt to Canaan, Israel WAS NOT a Unified entity. 

"...and the Children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand men on foot...and a MIXED MULTITUDE went up also with them..." Ex. 12:37-38 (KJV Paraphrase are author's). 

One nation, one God, possibly one goal but not necessarily a UNIFIED ENTITY. 

The "Mixed Multitude syndrome" is a syndrome that always attempts to follow you into your Canaan.  

Jesus knew his mission was to die, but when the time drew close, the "mixed multitude syndrome" kicked in...he said "Lord if it be your will let this cup pass from me" but he later realigned to the assignment and went all the way to the crucifixion. 
Believe it or not...there is "this hold" your past circumstance (success or failure) will always have on you...and sometimes, it certainly affects your new journey. It's a hold that affects the order in your paradigm.

God told Gideon "the men you have are too much,  now, ask THE FEARFUL to go back home". With a few more tests, 33000 men were reduced to 300 men. 

Even Abraham had to let Lot go for him to make progress...and it was after Lot separated God began to speak to him to enlarge his perspective. [Gen. 13:14-15]

Who is in your team?
Have you been carrying 33000 men for a task that will require just 300 men?

You have known them for long does not necessarily mean they are relevant to your assignment.

There is nothing wrong with synergising and partnerships but sometimes you also need to know the battles that are exclusively meant for you-Yes, JUST YOU!

It's time deal with your own mixed-multitude! It's time to Put Your House In Order. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 12 February 2017


A mother once gave N500 to each of her two daughters and asked them to go buy 3 specific items from a bargaining market. 

The 17 year old went and picked just the 3 items and paid N500 for them; whereas the 15 year old went with the same amount of money bought the same 3 items by negotiating a good bargain on each piece of item and eventually bought 4 additional items. 

Same money, but different outcomes. 

I know I got you thinking about your negotiating and bargaining skills, but the real question is...

Your time: How much do you really get done?

How much do you really accomplish within a day as against how much could you potentially achieve if only you managed your time better? 

Don't allow conventional time wasters to put a definition to how much you can get from your day (week, month, year or even your life).

If you can not plan your 24 hours and consciously execute your master plan, you can't possibly plan the next 24 weeks of your life. 

Stop wasting your life! Stop short-changing your capacity! Stop being an underachiever! 

Do you know as sophisticated as you think a computer might be, your brain is still more than that computer and the programs that run it? Why waste your potential and capacity by wasting your time? 

It's time to BE MORE! It's time to DO MORE with your time. It's time to PUT YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER.

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 5 February 2017


Every great physical structure/system today, first began by a planning process yesterday; and all effective and robust planning procedures will always begin with a SITTING DOWN process. 

Jesus said...

"...for which of you intending to build a tower (Great Venture), sitteth not down FIRST, and counteth the cost..." Lk. 14:28 (KJV paraphrase are author's)

Success in any given venture is not by accident; if it comes accidentally, it will definitely leave you accidentally. Success in any given venture is a product of CONSCIOUS and DELIBERATE efforts. 

"Sitting down" is a conscious exercise. 

There is no special challenge any only need to call yourself to a "personal board meeting" and then honestly sit down to map out a solution, after which you take necessary steps in the direction of your desired objective. 

You have been hanging out with everyone hasn't profited you much, why not try to hang out more with yourself, look inwards, engage your mind and start digging for personal answers to your challenges? 

If it will be great it will not happen by chance.
If it will be successful it will not happen by luck.
If it will stand the test of time it will require the discipline of "sitting down first". 

It's a brand new week...have you sat down to map out in detail what you want to do this week?

Stop running around like everyone a matter of fact, productivity is not synonymous with activity.

It's time to sit down and build working systems for your life. It's time to PUT YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!