Saturday, 30 June 2018


Dear Friend, 

Congratulations and welcome to a brand new month. 

You can't potentially win a medal for a race you never started; neither can you arrive at a destination for the journey you never started. 

Why not join us this month as we consider the theme: WHAT'S YOUR MISSION? 

What are you about this second half of the year? What do you want to achieve this third quarter? 

Congratulations once again and Happy New Month! 

Sunday, 24 June 2018


A life void of direction, is a life void of clarity of vision. Being clear about your intended destination is the beginning of the journey. 

You don't board a plane before deciding your destination; you decide your destination before you board the plane. 

As a Career person, where do you see yourself 15 years from now? 

As a small scale business man, where do you see yourself in 10 years? 

If you are an employee you want to remain an employee all through your active working years? Do you want to own or run a business at some point? 

Believe it or not...time is ticking. The longer you take to set your sail, the longer it takes to arrive at your desired destination. 

You can't afford to keep living for today; you can't afford to keep following what's trending. It is your definition today that makes your destination tomorrow. 

Behind every commitment is clarity of purpose; behind every discouragement is a poorly defined destination. 

How can you possibly arrive at a destination you barely even know?

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!